
1 hour
Tiramisu is a classic dessert that is also easy to make. With this fluffy and freshly powdered tiramisu, you are guaranteed to win the hearts of all dessert lovers. Leave the tiramisu in the fridge for an hour before serving, buon appetito!




What can go wrong with tiramisù?

To serve a truly irresistible dessert, always start with high-quality ingredients. The character of your coffee will determine much of the flavor in your tiramisù. We recommend using freshly made, high-quality coffee with plenty of flavor. Avoid instant coffee. Let the coffee cool and add water, then either drip it over the biscuits or immerse the biscuits in the coffee for about two seconds. Oversoaked biscuits will go soggy and crumble. Let all your ingredients reach room temperature before whipping them and ensure that your egg whites and your cream are firm before folding everything together. This will guarantee a fluffy mixture that doesn’t separate and turn the tiramisù mushy. Finally, don’t overdo the topping. You want a hint of bitterness from the dry cocoa, but not too much.

How do I make my tiramisù less soggy?

One key to non-soggy tiramisù is to make sure that the biscuits are soaked just right. Too much coffee will make the biscuits soft and soggy, turning your dessert into a runny mess. Another key is to whip the egg whites and cream firmly and making sure that all the ingredients reach room temperature before folding them together, to prevent the mixture from separating. If your tiramisù is runnier than expected, give it extra time to set in the fridge. You can also remedy some of the soggy texture by transferring the dessert into individual dessert cups and adding more cocoa before serving.

How long should tiramisù sit?

After assembling your tiramisù, it’s important to give the dessert time to set in the fridge. One hour is the absolute minimum. We recommend waiting at least six hours to let the biscuits soak up enough flavor and moisture from the coffee, and cream. You can leave the dessert in the fridge for up to two days before serving, just make sure to cover it well to prevent it from absorbing unwanted refrigerator aromas.

How thick should tiramisù cream be?

The creamy mixture of eggs and cheese, sometimes with whipping cream, is an essential part of a successful tiramisù. It should be light, fluffy, and flavorful to complement the soaked softness of the biscuits. It’s important to whip both the egg whites and the whipping cream long enough that they can form firm peaks. This way, there is enough structure to fold and keep the other ingredients in the mixture without it separating.

Is raw egg in tiramisù safe?

In many countries, there is a small but real risk of contracting salmonella from raw eggs. Before using raw eggs in your cooking, you should inform yourself about the level of risk in your current location. The best way to eliminate the risk of salmonella from eggs is to buy pasteurised eggs, or to pasteurise the eggs yourself. This is done by gently heating the eggs at exactly 60°C for 3½ minutes. This usually requires special equipment. If the temperature rises above 60°C the eggs will cook, making them unsuited for your tiramisù.

Is tiramisù better the next day?

Planning your next dinner party? Making tiramisù in advance isn’t just a smart way to make things easier once your guests are at the table. It actually enhances the flavor and texture of your dessert. Leaving your tiramisù in the fridge overnight gives the different layers in the dessert a chance to get to know each other and exchange flavors. The result is a well-set dessert, smooth and full of irresistible taste.

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