One Pot Pasta

20 min.
If you have been looking for a quick and tasty pasta dish, this easy one pot pasta recipe may be just the thing! Made all in one go, the pasta is infused with all the wonderful flavors of the creamy and tangy tomato sauce in which it is cooked. Made with white beans and sun-dried tomatoes, this cheesy dish makes for a hearty meal lightened by the addition of fresh basil leaves and lemon zest.


One pot pasta:




One of the best tips for cooking pasta is to bring the water to a boil before adding your pasta of choice. This prevents its exterior from becoming mushy before the interior has time to soften.

Questions about one pot pasta

With our creamy one pot pasta recipe, making a hearty dish with plenty of flavors is both quick and easy. To learn more about the dish, read our answers to the most frequently asked questions about one pot pasta below.
What is one pot pasta?

One pot pasta is a dish where the pasta is cooked directly in a sauce with, for example, tomatoes. As such, it is cooked in just one pot rather than two. This makes it an easy meal for busy times when you do not want to spend a lot of time cooking and cleaning. A one pot pasta dish may be made with different types of pasta like penne, fusilli, or macaroni and your favorite selection of vegetables and meat.

How to make one pot pasta?

The best one pot pasta does not require you to spend a long time in the kitchen to make a tasty dish. Cook all ingredients except for the white beans and cooking cream for approx. 10 minutes, then add beans and cooking cream for the final minutes of cooking and season to taste. To brighten the hearty, creamy one pot pasta, top it with plenty of grated parmesan cheese, and serve it with fresh basil leaves and lemon zest.

How much water for one pot pasta?

To make our tomato basil one pot pasta, you need just 3 cups vegetable stock and 1 cup cooking cream. The reason you need so little water, or, in this case, vegetable stock, is that the pasta is not just cooked in water but rather in a sauce made from combining stock, cream, and diced tomatoes, which contain quite a lot of liquid. The liquid ratio should ideally be around 1:2. Cooking the penne directly in the sauce infuses it with a lot of flavors and cuts down your cleaning time. If it seems too liquid, grated parmesan cheese may be added to thicken and enrich the sauce.

Can you freeze one pot pasta?

Freeze this simple one pot pasta to enjoy the leftovers later. Allow the pasta dish to cool before transferring it to one or more airtight containers and popping them in your freezer. For a quicker reheat, thaw it overnight in the fridge before heating it slowly on the stovetop. Reheating the dish at low heat helps preserve its flavor and prevent it from splitting. You can also reheat it in the oven.

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